55+ Website & Blog Ideas That’ll Make You Money in 2024

One of the best ways to make money online today is by creating websites or blogs and monetizing them with different methods. Many popular websites earn a lot of money through ads, affiliate marketing, etc.

There are different website ideas to make money online. To get you started, I have listed website ideas to make money online along with their recommended monetization methods.

1. Personal Blog

Share your personal experiences like a diary, what you did today, your opinions on something, etc. You can also post some personal tips and tricks.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Sponsorships

2. Static Websites

Websites with one-time work like calculators, converters, emojis, time zones, etc. These are single-page websites providing different services.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Sponsorships

3. Tech Blog

A blog with articles on technology, computers, mobiles, and tips, tricks, reviews, tutorials related to them.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Reviews, Affiliate Marketing

4. Quiz Website

Quizzes of different categories like guessing the name, MCQs, 4 Pics 1 Word, etc. There are many plugins on WordPress to create a quiz site.

Monetization Method: Ads

5. Quotes Website

Share different quotes on topics like motivation, couple, inspiration, love, friendship, etc., or quotes by popular personalities.

Monetization Method: Ads

6. Jokes Website

Share funny jokes, stories, one-liners, memes, etc., of all categories like couple, knock-knock, adult, etc. You can also share funny lines from movies & TV series.

Monetization Method: Ads

7. Tutorials Blog

Post tutorials, how-to articles on various topics like computers, machines, crafts, online services, etc.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Affiliate Marketing, eBooks

8. Make Money Blog

Guide people to earn money online & offline. Share different ways to make money for students, moms, etc. Or start a making money website like Swagbucks.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Affiliate Marketing, eBooks, Courses

9. Photos Blog

Share photos, memes, stock photos website, or comics. Create a website to download free or paid stock photos.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Subscription

10. Coupons Website

Create a coupon website and provide coupons & offers available on different shopping platforms, web services & products.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Affiliate Marketing

11. College Blog

Guide college students by writing about career guidance, future plans, etc. A website providing information about schools & colleges in a country or city.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Listings

12. eBooks Website

Create & sell ebooks or share non-copyright ebooks available for download. Share ebooks on specific topics or wide category.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid eBooks

13. Recipes Blog

Publish new and different recipes, tips on cooking, etc. You can also sell your cooking-related products like books, ingredients, etc.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Products

14. Jobs Website

Create job listings available near your area or city. Add all the details like eligibility, salary, location related to a job. You can also add online jobs.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Listings

15. City Listings

Just like Google Maps, create a website for your city. List all the shops, hotels, malls, hospitals, etc. Add all the details regarding the shop.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Listings

16. Blog Listings

Write about other useful blogs & websites, their reviews, what they do, what they provide, etc. Share blogs of a particular niche.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Reviews, Sponsorships

17. Offers Website

Share online shopping offers, different online services & products offers. You can also post giveaways of different online platforms.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Affiliate Marketing

18. Book Reviews

Share your review on books of a specific category or all categories. You can also add user reviews options for users to review books.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Reviews, Affiliate Marketing

19. Price Comparison

A website that compares prices of the same products like smartphones, computers, etc., on different shopping platforms like Amazon, eBay.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Affiliate Marketing

20. Forum Site

Start a forum website like Reddit, Quora, StackOverflow on a specific topic for users to register & discuss or clear their doubts. Some examples include business, stories, coding forums.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Membership

21. Search Engine

Develop a search engine like Google, Bing for specific categories like jobs, products, services, etc. You can also develop an app for this.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Listings, Affiliate Marketing

22. News Website

One of the best website ideas. Share news on different or specific topics like celebrities, politics, business, marketing, etc.

Monetization Methods: Ads

23. Exam Website

A site about all the exams, their details like dates, eligibility, and results. Write about preparation tips, books to refer, etc.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Affiliate Marketing

24. Science Blog

Publish articles on scientific research, tricks, facts, news, etc. Write about new discoveries, inventions, etc.

Monetization Methods: Ads

25. Wallpapers Site

Share wallpapers of different resolutions (smartphone, desktop) on various topics like cars, celebrities, nature, animals, etc.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Wallpapers

26. Chat Groups

Share links of different WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook groups that are helpful. Categorize them in different groups.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Listings

27. Interview Blog

Publish interviews of different famous personalities in different fields. Write about their personal details, life journey, achievements, etc.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Interviews

28. Product Reviews

Share your reviews on different products available online on Amazon, eBay, etc. Create a micro-niche blog to rank easily & generate better leads.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Affiliate Marketing

29. Freebies Website

Share about free stuff, giveaways that various companies are offering, share all the details.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Affiliate Marketing

30. Lyrics Website

Publish lyrics of all the latest and popular songs all over the world or in specific countries.

Monetization Method: Ads

31. Funny Tweets

Share different funny & hilarious tweets from Twitter. Share tweets of popular accounts.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Tweets

32. Free Music

Share downloadable non-copyright music. These are available on YouTube and other websites. You can also create & share your own music.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Music

33. Coding Blog

Help coders on various coding problems, share written codes, tips, tutorials, cheat sheets, etc. Create a website on specific programming languages.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Courses & Codes

34. Startups Info

Publish articles and information about startups, their story, difficulties, achievements, etc.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Articles

35. Online Teaching

Teach the students subjects you know better like Maths, Physics, Chemistry, etc. You can post theory, formulae, videos, etc.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Courses

36. Language Learning

Create a website that will teach people to speak different languages. Provide courses, quizzes, flashcards, dictionary to learn a language.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Courses

37. Essays Website

Publish essays on different or specific topics to help students. You can also provide articles, paragraphs, letter writings, etc.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Membership

38. Health Blog

Write about tips related to healthy living. Write about diseases – their symptoms, remedies, etc. Be careful, it’s a sensitive topic.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Affiliate Marketing

39. Travel Blog

If you travel a lot of places, share your experiences, the cost of travel, places to visit. Describe your entire journey.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Affiliate Marketing

40. Blog Articles

Share links of interesting articles of other blogs or websites. Write different articles and include links of related articles posted on other blogs.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Listings, Sponsorship

41. Movies Review

Share your opinion on different movies & TV series, their ratings, whether to watch it or not. Include genre-specific movies.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Reviews

42. Gardening Blog

Publish articles, guides, tips, tutorials on gardening-related stuff. You can also sell your own products helpful in gardening.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Selling Products, Affiliate Marketing

43. Home Improvement

Share tips, products to make home interior creative & attractive. Write about different DIY Home improvement ideas.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Affiliate Marketing

44. Blogging Guide

Create a blog to guide people on creating a blog, ranking it, SEO optimization, monetization, etc. Write reviews on different themes, plugins, and products.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Affiliate Marketing, Paid Reviews

45. DIY Crafts

Create a website that includes DIY tutorials, origami, handcrafts, drawings, etc. You can create your own handmade crafts & sell.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Selling Products

46. Cashback Website

Offer people cashback on products they purchase through your affiliate link on different platforms. Give them some part of your commission & keep the remaining as profit.

Monetization Methods:

Ads, Affiliate Marketing

47. Themes Market

Sell WordPress, Blogger & other CMS themes and plugins or make a list of free themes. Create themes & plugins directory, write reviews, etc.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Selling Themes

48. Movies Listing

Create a list of must-watch, popular movies in a specific genre such as romance, horror, thriller, sci-fi, etc. You can also add short films available on YouTube.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Listings (short films)

49. Free Downloads

Create a website on free movies, modded APKs, cracked software, courses, etc., to download for free. But, these are difficult to handle due to copyright issues. Hence, they are not recommended.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Link Shortener, PPD

50. Online Games

You can buy HTML5 games online & create a website embedding these games. You can offer incentives to users to play games.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Reselling Games

51. Sell Products

Create a website with Shopify or WooCommerce & sell your products. You can sell any type of product – online & physical. It is one of the trending website ideas to make huge money.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Selling Products

52. Apps & Games Reviews

Share your reviews on popular & latest apps & games on Android or PC. Write about their usage, ratings, updates, purpose, etc.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Reviews

53. Games Blog

Share walkthroughs, tricks, cheats, mods of different games available on Android & PC. For example, GTA V mods, walkthrough, cheats.

Monetization Method: Ads

54. Videos Blog

Share videos from YouTube, Instagram on different topics like funny, movie trailers, songs, animations, etc. You can create your own videos and share them.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Listing

55. Niche Blog

Choose a particular topic (niche) & write posts on that topic only. There are many niche ideas to write on like tech, website, fashion, etc.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Paid Guest Posts, Affiliate Marketing, Sponsorship

56. Magic Tricks

Write about magic tricks including playing card tricks and other interesting tricks. You can create your own magic tricks set & sell it.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Selling Products, Affiliate Marketing

57. Beauty Blog

Share tips and tutorials on make-up, hairstyles, skin enhancement, fairness, etc. Sell your own cosmetic products.

Monetization Methods: Ads, Affiliate Marketing, Selling Products

Well, there are never-ending ideas to start a website. You can create your own idea by referring to the above website ideas. I recommend you bookmark this page as I will keep adding new website ideas.

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Hi, I'm Sankalp, a Professional Blogger. I love to write about Blogging, SEO, and WordPress.