Top 10 Best Mobile WordPress Themes (2021)

No user is going to stay on your website if it is not mobile-friendly. Google will also hate you & lower your rankings.

Nowadays, the majority of website traffic comes from mobile devices. Hence, it has become necessary to make your website mobile-friendly. It should be easy to use, read & navigate.

Currently, almost all the themes that are available to use are responsive. Responsive WordPress themes can be found anywhere. Here are the best WordPress themes for blog.

Best Mobile WordPress Themes

mobile wordpress themes

Now, if you want to create a separate website for mobile users (like here are the best mobile WordPress themes you can buy on Themeforest to use on your website.

These themes are fast, easy to navigate & made for mobile devices (especially). Your website will load quickly even if the visitor’s network connection is slow.


touch theme

Features –

  • Unique and super clean design, multi-level accordion menu back, call, email buttons in the header (extensively customizable Touchy header and navigation system).
  • Incredibly customizable loading screen and progress bar, integrated share buttons for Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest (no setup necessary!), ready for translation/localization (.pot file included).
  • Tested on several browsers across multiple operating systems and devices (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Opera, iOS, Android, Windows Phone), unique, subtly animated comment form.
  • Fully responsive liquid design that works beautifully on desktop, tablets and smartphones, beautiful and subtle use of animations.
  • Gesture-enabled gallery (PhotoSwipe), multiple page templates allowing for formatting of content (no title, centered title, back button, and combinations thereof).
  • A ton of customizable shortcodes (alerts, dividers, buttons etc).. plus shortcodes for YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion and shortcodes for easily placing content in columns (text, images, as well as video)

Price – $30

2. Sweipe

sweipe theme

Features –

  • Easy installation with demo content is available. You can get your theme ready with some simple steps in 5 minutes. Everything you see on demo page is provided.
  • Creating new and unique pages with Sweipe is extremely easy and fast. You can simply drag and drop from between many elements and customize them for your needs.
  • There are 10 option panel category to customize Sweipe. You can personalize almost anything for your needs from different fonts to different colorings.
  • Unlike generic option panels, When you use Sweipe option panel you will see your changes immediately on the other side of your screen. This saves a lot of time!
  • There are many custom sidebars where you can place widgets on.and also custom widgets. You can customize widgets for yourself and start using now.
  • English .pot file is included in theme folder, you can add your language and translate it. Child theme is also included.

Price – $49

3. Breezy

breezy theme

Features –

  • Use as primary or mobile-only theme, Use on existing or new installation, Super clean and lightweight, trendy design, Fully responsive liquid design.
  • Incredibly customizable header and navigation system (Morph plugin, $18 value), Massively customizable loading screen and progress bar plugin (PageLoader plugin, $18 value).
  • Theme customization: show either full post or excerpt only, change post/page title font size and line height, change post/page content font size and line height, align title and content to left/center/right.
  • Color customization: background, post/page titles, content text, links. Ready for translation/localization (.pot file included), Widgetized sidebar (inside Morph navigation system).
  • Ready-to-edit child theme included. Simple, validation-ready contact form included. A ton of extremely customizable shortcodes: alerts, progress bars, text highlighting, dividers, buttons, boxes etc.

Price – $30


Brave theme

Features –

  • Works alongside your existing desktop theme, ready for translation/localization (.mo, .po files included), ‘install as web app‘ functionality on iOS (with install prompt, splash screens + icons!).
  • Easily create a phone call button and/or menu item, tested on several browsers across multiple operating systems and devices (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, iOS, Android, Windows Phone).
  • A fully responsive liquid design that works beautifully on tablets, smartphones and even scales all the way up to desktop, fully supports retina screens.
  • Beautiful and subtle use of CSS3 and jQuery animations, includes themes for two different slider plugins
    6 color schemes, touch-enabled gallery (customized PhotoSwipe).
  • A very unique, subtly animated jQuery comment form, jQuery contact form with validation, a ton of extremely customizable shortcodes (alerts, dividers, buttons etc).
  • Custom background tool enabled; change the theme’s background color/image in seconds, extensive documentation, PSD files included, ready-to-edit child theme included.

Price – $30

5. Monolith

monolith theme

Features –

  • Super expressive and colorful design, 2-level slide-in accordion menu, out-of-the-box share buttons for posts, with no setup necessary (Twitter, Facebook and Google+).
  • Full screen images for posts combined with overlay colors allow for expressiveness; choose between 9 header colors which also get applied to the menu button and header bar on pages.
  • Uniquely ‘swappable’ content and comment areas, touch-enabled gallery (customized PhotoSwipe), ‘install as webapp’ on iOS, ready for translation/localization (.mo, .po files included).
  • Contact form with validation, widgetized front page footer, ready-to-edit child theme included, liquid design, tested on several browsers across multiple operating systems and devices.
  • Fully retina-ready, beautiful and subtle use of CSS3 and jQuery animations, a ton of extremely customizable shortcodes: alerts, progress bars, text highlighting, dividers, buttons, boxes etc.

Price – $30

5. Rogue

rogue theme

Features –

  • Super clean, mobile-focused design, fully responsive liquid design, incredibly customizable header and menu system (TapTap plugin, $19 value).
  • Customizable page transitions (PageLoader plugin, $16 value), customize title and body text size, fonts (serif or sans serif), spacings, colors, add padding to content, unique comment and contact forms.
  • Integrated post share links, touch-enabled gallery (customized PhotoSwipe), ‘add to homescreen’ on iOS and Android (via third-party plugin), ready for translation/localization (.mo, .po files included).
  • Widgetized footer, ready-to-edit child theme included, tested on several browsers across multiple operating systems and devices (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, iOS, Android).
  • A ton of extremely customizable shortcodes: alerts, progress bars, text highlighting, dividers, buttons, boxes etc. + shortcodes for YouTube, Vimeo, etc.

Price – $30

7. Vibrant

vibrant theme

Features –

  • Extremely clean design, super unique 2-level accordion menu display, beautiful and subtle use of CSS3 and jQuery animations, clean and minimal jQuery comment form.
  • PageLoader plugin included per-post/page header colors (choose between 9 carefully picked colors), touch-enabled gallery (customized PhotoSwipe).
  • Ready for translation/localization (.mo, .po files included), contact form with validation, widgetized front page footer, ready-to-edit child theme included.
  • Liquid design, tested on several browsers across multiple operating systems and devices (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, iOS, Android), fully retina-ready.
  • A ton of extremely customizable shortcodes: alerts, progress bars, text highlighting, dividers, buttons, boxes etc. Extensive documentation.

Price – $30


hunter theme

Features –

  • Flat and clean design, works alongside your desktop theme, a very unique, very customizable 2-level accordion menu with icons (select from 350+ FontAwesome icons).
  • Ready for translation/localization (.mo, .po files included), ‘install as web app’ functionality on iOS (with install prompt, splash screens + icons!), a very unique, subtly animated comment form.
  • Contact form with validation, widgetized front page footer, ready-to-edit child theme included, a fully responsive liquid design that works beautifully on desktop, tablets and smartphones.
  • Tested on several browsers across multiple operating systems and devices (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, iOS, Android, Windows Phone).
  • Fully retina-ready, beautiful and subtle use of CSS3 and jQuery animations, includes themes for two different slider plugins, touch-enabled gallery (customized PhotoSwipe).
  • A ton of extremely customizable shortcodes: alerts, dividers, buttons etc, custom background tool enabled; change the theme’s background color/image in seconds, extensive documentation, PSD file included.

Price – $30


rowe theme

Features –

  • Fully-responsive mobile-focused design, fluid animations, heavily customizable dedicated mobile menu (TapTap plugin, $19 value).
  • Customizable page transitions (PageLoader plugin, $16 value), touch-enabled gallery (customized PhotoSwipe), ‘add to homescreen’ on iOS and Android (via third-party plugin).
  • Widgetized area inside fly-out menu, ready for translation/localization (.pot file included), clean and minimal comment form.
  • Tested on many browsers across multiple operating systems and devices (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari, Opera, iOS, Android, Windows devices).
  • A ton of extremely customizable shortcodes: alerts, progress bars, text highlighting, dividers, buttons, boxes etc. ready-to-edit child theme, extensive documentation.

Price – $30

10. FlatMobile

flatmobile theme

Features –

  • Easy installation with demo content is available. You can get your theme ready with some simple steps in 5 minutes. Everything you see on demo page is provided.
  • Creating new pages with FlatMobile is extremely easy and fast. You can simply drag and drop from between many elements and customize them for your needs.
  • There are 10 option panel category to customize FlatMobile. You can personalize almost anything for your needs from different fonts to different colorings.
  • If you ever need to write or put your custom css/javascript code in FlatMobile there are custom fields that you can use. You’ll never need to alter system code ever.
  • With customization panel you can change color of almost every element. Also page builder provides color changes too. Everything you need for personalize is here.

Price – $49


So, these were the 10 best mobile WordPress themes you can use on your website to make it mobile-friendly. These themes come with future updates & developer support.

Read the following FAQs to clear your questions that may arise in your mind.


Which is the best mobile WordPress theme?

According to me, TOUCH is the best as it has a lot of features & a simple look that makes it elegant.

How can I download premium themes for free?

Many websites offer nulled/cracked themes to download for free. But, they have viruses in them. It is better to buy from the developer.

On how many websites can I use these themes?

You can use it on only one WordPress site. If you want to use it on other websites, you have to buy more licenses.

Where can I buy more premium WordPress themes?

There are many platforms available like Mojo Marketplace, MyThemeShop, Elegant Themes, iThemes, etc.

What are the payment methods?

You can purchase through a Visa/Mastercard credit card or PayPal.

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