MilesWeb Review: Pros of VPS Hosting Over Shared Hosting

Selecting a hosting plan is more about getting the right resources and features than just looking at the pricing.

VPS Hosting may be the way to go for you if you’re searching for a hosting plan or want to switch from a shared host to something else.

In fact, making a purchase based on price is a formula for catastrophe. When comparing shared hosting vs. VPS, it may appear to be a simple task to go with the lowest cost choice.

The simplest method to accomplish this here is by offering you an overview of everything connected to shared and virtual private server hosting. You may then compare and contrast all of the advantages of VPS Hosting.

Before considering the pros of VPS hosting over shared hosting let’s have a look at Shared and VPS hosting.

Shared Hosting

Consider shared hosting similar to living in sharing rooms where you share amenities like the electricity bills, parking lot, the apartment rooms, etc. In this situation, your site will share the same resources as other users on the same shared hosting server, such as CPU, disc space, and memory.

If you consider pricing for hosting your site, the most affordable option is shared hosting. Unfortunately, if there is a lot of traffic on the same server as you, your site may have restricted bandwidth and will become sluggish.

You may enjoy the pool while it is not busy, but you must plan ahead for when everyone enters and things become congested – shared hosting is similar.

VPS Hosting

You’ll still be sharing one physical server with VPS hosting, but each user will have their own set of resources, so other websites on the same server won’t affect you, unlike shared hosting. VPS hosting gives each user their virtual partition, ensuring that resources are always available to them. VPS hosting is, of course, more expensive than shared hosting.

If we use the same comparison as previously, a VPS partition is similar to having a penthouse or condo – there are many other rooms like it in the apartment but, you have everything you need and don’t have to share it with anybody. MilesWeb provides India’s best and cheap unmanaged VPS hosting service.

Let’s have a look at some of the advantages of VPS hosting over shared hosting.

Significantly Improved Performance

You immediately improve your performance since you have dedicated and private resources that are just for you. There will be no degradation in performance or page load times if your website is rapidly growing or experiencing large traffic spikes. Other sites on the server will not affect your site because it has its region.

Resource Scalability

If you need to scale up your hosting, VPS makes it extremely simple. It’s considerably easier to increase the resources you need because you’re not bound to a physical server. You won’t get this kind of scalability with shared hosting from a variety of providers.

Higher Levels of Security

A better degree of security is one of the numerous advantages of VPS Hosting. Your hosting environment is virtualized, and your website is isolated from the rest of the server’s websites. As a result, whatever happens to other websites has no bearing on yours.

Root Server Access and Server Customization

Another advantage of a VPS is that you may nearly completely customize the server. Root server access offers you a lot more power on all levels. You’ll also gain root server access, which will provide you access to a variety of management tasks for your virtual server.

Easy Customization

A virtual private server (VPS) has relatively few limitations. Each environment on the server is isolated from the others and functions as a dedicated server.

When it comes to installing particular software and custom settings, a VPS server provides you total control over your system, allowing you to activate, disable, install, or delete any program you want and modify configurations to your exact requirements. Furthermore, with VPS Hosting, you are not limited to the applications installed by your hosting provider in your environment.

Performance in the Mid-Range

Mid-range performance may be an advantage or a con, depending on your requirements. The available hardware given to the plan limits VPS (versus dedicated) instances. When running in a visualized configuration, the hardware suffers a performance penalty. However, this fee has decreased over time and now delivers performance levels more equivalent to dedicated servers.

Is VPS hosting the best option for you?

You may already have an idea whether or not you want to test VPS hosting at this point. But, just in case you’re still undecided, let’s make it as simple as possible.

If any of the following apply to you, switching to cheap VPS hosting India from shared might be a good idea:

  • You can afford to pay a bit more each month for your site hosting.
  • Your website consumes more resources than a standard shared hosting package can provide.
  • Because your traffic is unpredictably high, you’ll need the ability to scale your hosting up and down on a regular basis.
  • You want to alter the configuration of your hosting server, or you just want to learn how to administer your own server.


Your website’s performance and development potential will be influenced by the sort of hosting package you select. As a result, you’ll want to learn as much as possible about your alternatives.

While VPS hosting isn’t suitable for every website, it is an excellent choice for many WordPress users.

The following are the distinctions between VPS and shared hosting:

Shared hosting
With this sort of service, you’ll be given a specific amount of space on a real server that’s shared by several other people. It’s a good entry-level choice that’ll do for low-traffic websites.

VPS hosting
These plans are more higher, but they provide you a lot more freedom and more power. Other people’s websites will have less of an impact on you.

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